

  • 参加季度,区域或社区活动和经济中心之旅

  • 与关注地区或社区皇冠HGA010官方下载的商业领袖建立联系



区域 & 社区项目 aims to bring the Partnership directly to our members and the business community throughout Greater Houston. 该项目将于2019年启动. 
2019年夏天, the 地区 and 社区项目 visited the Clear Lake area and NASA Johnson Space Center to gain an understanding of the economy in that part of the region.




7月,大休斯顿伙伴关系迎来了8家新成员公司. 该伙伴关系致力于将公司与资源联系起来, 信息, and networking opportunities to help increase business while also providing a platform to influence the direction of the region.  7月份加入的新成员包括: AUTOARCH建筑师, 有限责任公司: AUTOARCH建筑事务所, 有限责任公司, 一家女性拥有的建筑和规划公司, 是源于一种由目标驱动的坚定乐观, 设计, 和技术.  网站.   DPR Construction: DPR Construction consistently ranks among the top five mission critical facility builders in the country. 网站.  EIV Capital 有限责任公司: EIV Capital invests growth equity in businesses it believes are committed to a reliable and sustainable energy future.  网站.   HERMETIC-Pumps公司.: HERMETIC-Pumpen GmbH is a leading developer and manufacturer of hermetically sealed pumps and pumping technologies.  网站.   Idemitsu: Idemitsu is a 日本 petroleum company that is the eighth largest lubricant manufacturer globally, 拥有超过一个世纪的卓越品质, 创新和卓越的产品开发. 网站.   KNS Industrial Supply: KNS Industrial Supply enhances the construction industry with products that ensure safety, 效率, 和耐用性. 网站.  叶 & Grain: 叶 & Grain is a small, Houston-based restaurant company. 叶 & Grain are dedicated to showing people that food can be tasty and filling, 而且对你还是有好处的. . 网站.    Unchartered Territory Solutions Network: Uncharted Territory is an 教育al entity that offers a path to skills and knowledge needed to respond to emergencies, 安全实践, 或者找到工作.  网站.    点击这里查看合作伙伴的会员名录.     要了解更多关于大休斯顿伙伴关系会员资格的信息,请点击这里, 或联系membership@apiablog.com. 


[新闻发布]-德克萨斯州的科技产业正在蓬勃发展, 随着对云/IT支持技术工人的需求不断增长, 软件开发和数据分析. 根据领英的数据,德克萨斯州目前有超过8000个技术职位空缺. 解决这一人才缺口, AWS Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance is expanding into Texas with support from key collaborators across industry, 教育 and government with the goal of helping to modernize tech programs of study at higher 教育 institutions, connecting learners to in-demand tech jobs and supporting the development of a highly-skilled tech workforce in the Lone Star State. “随着每个市场技术变革的步伐加快, 需要全球多样化, 数字技术管道从未如此重要. The expansion of the AWS Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance into Texas further demonstrates our commitment to bring together government, 教育, 行业和非营利组织解决这一关键需求,使未来的经济增长,瓦莱丽·辛格说, AWS全球教育主管. 德克萨斯州科技联盟最初的启动重点是休斯顿和达拉斯大都会地区. These two major hubs are home to a diverse array of 雇主 seeking tech talent and a robust system of 教育al institutions ready to prepare the next generation of Cloud and IT professionals. 这一举措是解决该州科技行业人才缺口的关键一步. Four of the state's higher 教育 institutions have come together as part of the region's initial launch: 德克萨斯州立大学 休斯顿社区学院 达拉斯大学 祈戈大学 该州几家最具创新性的公司将与AWS合作,以确定人才需求, 为学生提供真实的学习经验,并聘请合格的候选人担任技术职位. 这些雇主包括 Brooksource Corestack DLZP集团 摩根大通 唐奇全球管理 TEKsystems “一个半世纪以来,摩根大通已经深深扎根于德州社区, 其起源可以追溯到休斯顿第一国民银行,斯泰西·劳伦说, 摩根大通副总裁兼首席技术项目经理. “Hga010皇冠软件下载优先投资于Hga010皇冠软件下载社区的个人. 作为AWS技能到就业技术联盟的骄傲成员, we eagerly anticipate contributing to the worldwide movement that revitalizes tech 教育 and fosters a diverse, 技术人才库, 丰富了德州的风景. Diversity stands as a cornerstone of our values at 摩根大通; it is essential for fostering innovation and progress." 最近, 德克萨斯州因其将教育政策与经济目标相结合的创新方法而受到认可. Central to these policies is the push to ensure post-secondary programming leads to high quality career pathways for Texans. 这种教育的一致性, workforce and economic development goals fits perfectly with the goals of the Tech Alliance and provides a unique partnership opportunity with the state. 以确保该计划继续扩大国家的优先事项, AWS将与德州劳动力委员会和德州经济发展公司密切合作. AWS has a long history of collaborating with organizations in Texas to advance workforce development and skills attainment initiatives. Participation in the Greater Houston Partnership's UpSkill休斯顿 Executive Committee and the Dallas Regional Chamber's 董事会 has helped position AWS as a regional voice in workforce and economic development. 这些组织, 还有Alcantar Strategies, will partner with AWS to leverage their extensive networks and community connections to promote Tech Alliance programs and connect learners to opportunities. 通过雇主主导的休斯顿提升技能计划, the Greater Houston Partnership has invested heavily in advancing the skills and opportunities for Houstonians, 确保雇主拥有发展和竞争所需的熟练人才,彼得·比尔德说, 负责大休斯顿地区劳动力发展的高级副总裁. "Collaborating with AWS as a member of the AWS Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance will amplify the work we are already accomplishing in Houston and advance the alignment of our talent pipelines to in-dem和技术 jobs in all industries." “达拉斯地区商会致力于改善教育, 人才和劳动力管道,以支持达拉斯地区所有人的高质量生活,伊丽莎白·考迪尔·麦克莱恩说, 达拉斯地区商会人才战略高级副总裁. "The launch of the AWS Skills to Jobs Tech Alliance poses an exciting opportunity for business leaders across Texas to join together to address the skills gap for high-demand IT jobs while also supporting the economic mobility of Texans - a win-win for the future of our companies and communities." AWS于2023年6月在华盛顿特区公共部门峰会上推出了技术联盟, 将全球高等教育机构联合起来, 雇主, 政府和合作组织解决技术技能差距. 技术联盟目前在九个国家有代表(美国, 埃及, 西班牙, 新加坡, 意大利, 德国, 印度, 哥伦比亚和巴西), 与美国其他四个州(纽约)合作, 伊利诺斯州, 华盛顿州和西弗吉尼亚州). 自全球推出以来, 科技联盟已经连接了超过23个,来自900多所高等教育机构的5000名学生和350多家雇主. 要了解更多信息或参与其中,请访问AWS技能到就业技术联盟主页.




担心人工智能会抢走你的工作? 你并不孤单. 早在2019年,经济合作与发展组织就做出了大胆的预测. 报告预测,在15到20年内,新的自动化…


“作为一个终生的休斯敦人, I am particularly pleased to be a part of the Partnership and the great work they do for economic growth and development in the City of Houston and surrounding communities.”


“成为合伙企业的一员是我作为首席执行官做出的最专业的决定之一. 尽管我在领导一个非营利组织, 与不同行业的组织交流的能力是非常有用的. Interacting and benefiting from the thought leadership in the business community has shown me that they are really tackling the same issues we are facing."

总统 & 纽豪斯教育中心首席执行官

“更大的休斯顿伙伴关系,感谢你继续是一个很好的信息资源. 我很自豪能成为这个代表休斯顿的组织的一员, 这是企业和人的关系.”


“拥有最大的会员数据库之一, (合作伙伴关系)对我来说是一个很好的人脉资源."

Neal Talmadge

“课程的质量是一流的, 正因为如此, 与会者也是一流的. 高质量的人际关系很好!"


"Businesses who want to get their name out and sales professionals who want to increase their sphere of influence won't find a better organization to connect than GHP."


“休斯顿拥有创业所需的大量原材料——一流大学, 可承受的生活成本, 巨大的财富, large corporations -- so the creation of a startup hub in Houston has just been about aligning all these elements under one roof that provides entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed."

创始人 & The Cannon首席执行官
本计划及其福利仅对合作伙伴成员开放. 今天了解更多关于成为公司会员的信息.

准备好成为区域的一部分 & 社区项目?

  • 参加季度,区域或社区活动和经济中心之旅
  • 与关注地区或社区皇冠HGA010官方下载的商业领袖建立联系
  • 资源,知识和人脉来发展你的地区或社区皇冠HGA010官方下载 